
By Katie and Lucas.


K: "Tom is Christian, he believes in God. I wonder if he believes in Jesus? Do all Christians believe in Jesus?"

L: "Yes, otherwise, they're called Jews."

Tipi Slang

K: "It was just straight Hochung."


L: "What's gazpacho?"

K: "It's like a cold tomato soup."

L: "You're kidding. I read the ingredients and it said tomato, cilantro, and salt. And I thought to myself... and gazpacho."


L: "I want more surface area of your body against my body, okay, I'll lay on my stomach and then you lay on my back. Oh, that will hurt your ribs, okay, I'll lay on my stomach and you lay your back on my back."

K: "This feels ridiculous."

L: "Come on Katie! Everything you like in this world started off this way - because someone was like, you know what might be interesting? and then they tried something that felt ridiculous."


L: "What if I were to lay on my stomach and you were to lay your whole body on mine so I get more surface area?"

K: "We literally tried this."

L: "What!? NO WAY!"

K: "Yup, in Thailand, I wrote it down in a note."

It's what it looks like

L: "People look at me like, what are you doing? It's exactly what it looks like people, I'm touching my balls."

The Trailer Park Business

L: "My uncles told me, the way you run a trailer park is by letting people leave their trailer on their property when they leave. Then, you can rent it out to the next guy. And the more people come and leave their trailers, the more your business grows.

K: "But why would people leave their trailer, isn't that like their home?"

L: "Everyone in a trailer park is permanently living a temporary lifestyle."